miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2007

LoKi is back from the jungle

I'm still smell like shit, but i'm back form the Junle, the trip started with WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society),it was an awesome five day tour in the jungle of northern Guatemala.

Pictures to be uploaded in some hours.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007

So I´m back

I'm back in the peten now.. I've been here for a day or so, the heat is becoming unberable. I really can't stand it, lol. So, I've got a strange someone next to me, lol. I'll be uploading pictures soon. Tomorow I'll be going to the joungle in an expedition. So let see how it turn out.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

It's been over a week now

So, I've been resting, doing nothing. Plus I've had zero inspiration for about half a month, I went to took some pictures on Friday, but nothing interesting, just a simple party... lol

Now I've got some interesting news, I'm flying tomorrow to Petén, Guatemala's northernmost department. My father says it's still like hell over there. Light might suck during the day, but I might have some interesting findings over there. I'll be taking both of my Nikons, the D200 and the N6006 and three lenses, a 24-200mm, a 18-55mm and a 50mm.

So just a good old film lens and the great Digital.

Pictures, will be uploaded here, If I do some conceptual work, otherwise they'll be at http://sbillyblog.blogspot.com/ and at http://lokisb.deviantart.com/

Wish me luck!! lol

by the way, I would take my video camera to document the whole 'process' but it just won't work properly.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

LoKi in zero inspiration

My mind found it's greatest numbness today. I just don't get inspired, I'm bored of doing the same, fire stuff or flashlight things. Boredom is my doom. My light has become pale, and my hair tends to fall! I cannot make a simple work, my mind is clueless and my eyes are blind.


lunes, 7 de mayo de 2007

New Loki PAge

I'm inaugurating my DeviantArt home page, where you can all access to some of my concept photographs!!!


By the way my Photo.net site is:


sábado, 5 de mayo de 2007

The ProjecKt Continues

Now, a series of photographs, without the use of fire. Here comes into use a flashlight!!

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2007

El mundo